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2 factors that will help you boost mobile checkout conversion

Mobile commerce (m-commerce), accounting for over 50% of e-commerce sales, has emerged as a critical channel for online business. It’s convenient, simple and allows to make purchases on the go. However, you can quickly lose customers if you fail to deliver the expected swift shopping journey. This article will tackle a key stage of the buying process – payment – and how optimising it can boost sales by a third.

Simplified payment process in m-commerce

The checkout experience can make or break a sale. The complexity or lengthiness of the payment process is a significant contributor to cart abandonment. The latest data from Baymard Institutes shows that 22% of consumers won’t proceed with the purchase if checkout is too complicated.

Moreover, simplifying the checkout process could increase conversion rates by up to 35.62%. This improvement depends on eliminating unnecessary steps, optimising form design, and integrating time-saving features such as autofill and one-click purchase options.

Eliminating unnecessary steps

This involves critically reviewing the checkout process to identify and remove any steps that aren’t absolutely necessary. Unnecessary steps could include asking for information you don’t need for the transaction, requiring users to create an account before purchasing or having multiple pages for different parts of the checkout process. The goal is to reduce the number of clicks or taps from cart to completion.

Optimising form design

Optimising form design means making it as easy and intuitive to fill out as possible. Here are some essential tips:

  • Use form fields that are appropriately sized for the data being entered.
  • Group related information together to help users understand what’s needed at a glance.
  • Provide real-time validation feedback so users can correct errors immediately without having to submit the form to discover mistakes.
  • Use clear, descriptive labels for all fields and provide helpful tips or examples for fields that might cause confusion.

2 factors that will help you boost mobile checkout conversion

Integrating time-saving features

Incorporating features that save users time can significantly enhance the checkout experience. These include options that allow users to complete their purchases quickly without having to manually enter all their details each time:

  1. Save information for future purchases: For users who choose to create an account, offer the option to save their information securely for future transactions. This makes the checkout process faster and more convenient on subsequent visits.
  2. Auto-fill: Implement auto-fill technology that allows users’ devices to complete fields with their stored information automatically. This is particularly useful for filling out names, addresses, and even payment information.

Providing the correct selection of payment methods

Providing the correct selection here means considering two main things: your audience’s preferences and the convenience and ease of paying from the phone.

So, firstly, you must provide the option to pay for the goods using the customer’s preferred payment method. Bear in mind that many people favour local, customised methods rather than the hyped international ones. For instance, OXXO is popular in Mexico, GiroPay in Germany, and Alipay in China. And if we look back at the Baymard research, 13% of shoppers will abandon checkout if they don’t find their trusted payment option. So, having standard card methods and Paypal is good, but you should learn your audience’s preferences to achieve the best results.

Second, consider connecting methods that can further simplify the process of completing a purchase. With Payop’s Pay-by-Bank, your buyers don’t have to enter any sensitive financial information and can pay directly from their online banking. This not only saves time but also builds trust, as customers are not afraid that their data may be stolen.

Learn how to overcome checkout abandonment in our previous article: Checkout as a reason for cart abandonment: How to fight it?

2 factors that will help you boost mobile checkout conversion2 factors that will help you boost mobile checkout conversion2 factors that will help you boost mobile checkout conversion

Integrating time-saving features

Incorporating features that save users time can significantly enhance the checkout experience. These include options that allow users to complete their purchases quickly without having to manually enter all their details each time:

  1. Save information for future purchases: For users who choose to create an account, offer the option to save their information securely for future transactions. This makes the checkout process faster and more convenient on subsequent visits.
  2. Auto-fill: Implement auto-fill technology that allows users’ devices to complete fields with their stored information automatically. This is particularly useful for filling out names, addresses, and even payment information.


The m-commerce arena is competitive, and businesses must continuously seek ways to enhance the customer experience to stand out. Simplifying the payment process and integrating well-chosen payment methods are universally effective ways to increase sales. By focusing on these areas, businesses can ensure their customers enjoy a smooth, secure, and efficient mobile checkout experience.

Explore the solutions offered by Payop to simplify your m-commerce transactions at or contact our team for a personal consultation at [email protected].

Pay-by-Bank payments explained: Step-by-step guide 
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